Liz Cohen
Pilates Instructor
Qualifications -
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy from Brunel University 1995
MSc Specialist Neurological Rehabilitation from The University of Birmingham 2009
APPI Matwork Instructor 2017
Pilates for neurology
3D Standing Pilates
About Me
I worked for the NHS for 9 years developing an interest in Neurology before spending a further 9 years teaching at The University of Birmingham. I now work seeing patients in their homes and in local clinics, as well as teaching Pilates. I like the variety of teaching chair Pilates but also HIIT Pilates.
Pilates has played a key role in my rehab following major knee surgery. I love running and Pilates has helped me work towards 5k, 10k and my first ½ marathon in Warwick, March 2019. This has been both a physical and psychological battle won after over 20 years of knee instability.
I have two teenagers so family time is important to me. I help run a local Girl Guide unit and enjoy crafting and making things when I get a moment
Background & Experience
Qualified as a Physiotherapist
Masters in Neurological Rehab
Qualified as a Pilates instructor APPI
Started teaching for Body & Motion
Started teaching Chair Pilates
Pilates for Neurology
Started teaching HIIT Pilates